6th of February 2017 part II

Current affairs:

Since yesterday I try to think differently in regards how the shield might be implemented. Befor I thought doing a (fixed) vectorlist and drawing it on screen was the way.

Using scale factor for sizing and possibly some sort of rotation routine to calculate variations. The area would be filled with some kind of grid.

This sounds like it would use much computational ressources (rotation, grid, large vectorlists etc).

Yesterday I began trying different things out – the current “version” in my minds vectrex goes like this:

  • have a list of circle coordinates (the base and the shield is always centered, so this should work out)
  • the list will be quite large, I think about coordinates for 360° step-circle
  • enhance vide (vedi) to create datalists of such coordinates: (oops, seems I already did this!)
  • with these circle coordinates I can easily calculate rotated or non rotated polygones

The algorythm goes like this:
e.g. for a 5-8 sided polygon:
(Note: for all code I’ll post, these are working and “thinking” version, and unless otherwise noted NOT optimized in any way!)

; builds to rotList
; in "angle" the angle to "rotate" (from 0 to 720 = 2 *360) since it is a 16 bit pointer angle!
; in "sided" the number of sides of the figure (regular figure, can be build by regular offsets in circle list)
; move coordinate is angle in circle list
; second and each following coordinate (n sided "add" in circle list)
; Ydrawvector = y2-y1
; Xdrawvector = x2-x1
; list generated will be format:
; db count
; db move y,x
; db draw y,x
; ...
; db draw y,x

; times two, since angle is a "list" of 16 bit values
FIVE_ADD            =        (360/5)*2 
SIX_ADD             =        (360/6)*2 
SEVEN_ADD           =        (360/7)*2 
EIGHT_ADD           =        (360/8)*2 
                    ldu      #rotList 
                    lda      sided 
                    sta      tmp_count 
                    sta      ,u+                          ; count 
; seek sidedness
                    cmpa     #4 
                    bne      test_n6 
                    ldd      #FIVE_ADD 
                    bra      brnsf1 

                    cmpa     #5 
                    bne      test_n7 
                    ldd      #SIX_ADD 
                    bra      brnsf1 

                    cmpa     #6 
                    bne      test_n8 
                    ldd      #SEVEN_ADD 
                    bra      brnsf1 

                    ldd      #EIGHT_ADD 
                    std      tmp_add                      ; add to angle for n sided polygon 
                    ldd      angle 
                    std      tmp_angle 
                    ldx      #circle 
                    ldd      d,x 
                    std      ,u++                         ; move 
                    std      tmp_lastpos 
                                                          ; now the sided 
                    ldd      tmp_angle 
                    addd     tmp_add 
                    cmpd     #(360*2) 
                    blo      brnsf2 
                    subd     #(360*2) 
                    std      tmp_angle 
                    ldd      d,x                          ; a = y2, b = x2 
                    tfr      d,y 
                                                          ; now we must build the y2-y1 etc part 
                    suba     tmp_lastpos                  ; y2-y1 
                    sta      ,u+                          ; store y move 
                    subb     tmp_lastpos+1                ; x2-x1 
                    stb      ,u+                          ; store x move 
                    sty      tmp_lastpos 
                    dec      tmp_count 
                    bpl      next_brnsf 

With that routine I can build vectorlists of 5-8 sided regular polygons at any angle around a center. Without a MUL or otherwise difficult and time consuming calculation:

I plan to implement the shield also differently:

  • have one inner and outer “ring”
  • in between draw only a couple of “rings” (depending on the width of the shield) that oscillate from the inner to the outer “ring” and thus display the danger area

That I have yet to try out.

Next steps (probably):

  • do the above shield
  • do a starfield simulation
  • add a first enemy
  • add score


It seems I have attracted a chiptune artist that might build a nice tune for this game – hip hip hurray!


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