7th of March – Optimizations

After yesterdays work – to correct the collision detection – today I wanted to do something different and started a first “improvement” round.

The results as an Intro:














One image pre optimization (~ 19000 cycles) and post optimization (12000 cycles), same amount of enemies.

Here a list of things I changed (took about 1h):

Structure and user stack

I changed the object structure from:

                    struct   ObjectStruct 
                    ds       BEHAVIOUR,2 
                    ds       TYPE,1                       ; enemy type 
                    ds       SCALE,1                      ; scale to position the object 
                    ds       ANGLE,2                      ; if angle base, angle in degree *2 
                    ds       Y_POS,1                      ; current position 
                    ds       X_POS,1 
                    ds       CURRENT_LIST,2               ; current list vectorlist 
                    ds       DRAW_ROUTINE,2               ; jmp to current draw routine 
                    ds       PREVIOUS_OBJECT,2            ; positive = start of list 
                    ds       NEXT_OBJECT,2                ; positive = end of list 
                    ds       filler, 5 
                    end struct 


                    struct   ObjectStruct
                    ds       Y_POS,1                      ; current position
                    ds       X_POS,1                   
                    ds       CURRENT_LIST,2               ; current list vectorlist 
                    ds       DDRA,1                      
                    ds       SCALE,1                      ; scale to position the object
                    ds       BEHAVIOUR,2
                    ds       TYPE,1                       ; enemy type
                    ds       ANGLE,2                      ; if angle base, angle in degree *2
                    ds       PREVIOUS_OBJECT,2            ; positive = start of list
                    ds       NEXT_OBJECT,2                ; positive = end of list
                    ds       filler, 5                     
                    end struct 

This as mentioned befor allows better usage of the user stack (you will see shortly what I mean).

The before mentioned

       bsr      do_objects

in the main loop was removed and replaced with:

       ldu      list_objects_head 
       pulu     d,x,y,pc                     ; (D = y,x, X = vectorlist, Y = DDRA+Scale)

As before – this code automatically loops thru all objects. The “empty” list object was replaced with data that points as “pc” to the entry of the main function – so the main loop automatically resumes.

The “pulu” now pulls the register d,x,y and pc.

D – contains the position of the object
X – contains a pointer to the vectorlist, that must be drawn
Y – contains the scale I use for drawing (but since Y is 16 bit instead of 8, I also load $ff and poke the complete Y register to VIA ddra – which sets the scale)
PC – logically is still the behaviour routine

Anyway – loading all that data and jumping to my behaviour routine takes 13 cycles – which is pretty damn fast.

Object behaviour

The  only object I optimized yet is the X object.

Old source:

                    dec      SCALE+u_offset1,u 
                    bne      base_not_reached
                    PLAY_SFX Gotcha_Sound
                    bra      removeObject 
                    lda      SCALE+u_offset1,u 
                    sta      VIA_t1_cnt_lo                ; to timer t1 (lo) 
                    JSR      Intensity_5F                 ; Sets the intensity of the 
                    ldd      Y_POS+u_offset1,u 
                    jsr      Moveto_d 
                    lda      #6 
                    sta      VIA_t1_cnt_lo                ; to timer t1 (lo= 
                    ldx      CURRENT_LIST+u_offset1,u 
                    jsr      [DRAW_ROUTINE+u_offset1,u] 
                    ldu      NEXT_OBJECT+u_offset1,u 
                    pulu     pc

And the new source:

                                                          ; do the scaling 
                    sty      VIA_DDR_a                    ; also stores to scale :-() VIA_t1_cnt_lo ; to timer t1 (lo) 
; start the move to
; following calcs can be done within that move
                    lda      SCALE+u_offset1,u            ; load current scale to a - for later calcs 
                    dec      TICK_COUNTER+u_offset1, u    ; see if we need calc at all, compare tick counter with below zero 
                    bpl      no_scale_update_xb           ; if not, scale will not be updated 
                    ldb      X_add_delay                  ; otherwise reset the delay counter for scale update (this is global now, should I use that from the structure?) 
                    stb      TICK_COUNTER+u_offset1, u    ; store it 
                    suba     SPEED_COUNTER+u_offset1, u   ; and actually descrease the scale with the "decrease" value 
                    bcc      base_not_reached             ; if the decreas generated an overflow - than we reached the base (scale below zero) 
; if we reached the base - 
; a) moveto was SMALL - finished anyway
; b) not interested in move - nothing will be drawn anymore!
                    jmp      gameOver                     ; if base was hit -> game over 

                    sta      SCALE+u_offset1,u            ; store the calculated scale (used next round) 
                    ldu      NEXT_OBJECT+u_offset1,u      ; preload next user stack
                    lda      #$5f                         ; intensity 
                    MY_MOVE_TO_B_END                      ; end a move to 
                    lda      #6 
                    sta      VIA_t1_cnt_lo                ; to timer t1 (lo= 
                    jsr      myDraw_VL_mode
                    pulu     d,x,y,pc                     ; (D = y,x, X = vectorlist, Y = DDRA+Scale)

As you see – I actually do MORE than before (checking whether to decrement scale and using a decrement value instead of just a dec).

The new bevaviour does:

a) use the values initialized by the user stack pulu

b) uses a macro for move to (actually split macro), the first part initialized the move – but does not wait for the move to finish

c) than I can do some stuff that does not influence the move, but cost a few cycles

d) finish the moveTo by a seperate macro, which basically waits for the interrupt flag of T1

e) set the intensity with a macro instead a subroutine (haven’t gotten any different intensities yet  – so for now this is overkill)

f) use a draw routine directly, instead from the object structure, the behaviour rotuine is specialized already…

g) the draw routine is hand written and not the BIOS routine anymore

h) initialize the next object by pulling form the newly initialized U pointer (while “in” movetoD)


Everything together did not take more than an hour – but the result is, that the whole program uses about 30% less cycles.

(There will be more optimizations later on – but these is still the basic prototype – where I try things out).





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